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In the present study, the correlations between selected aspects of e-learning in the blended learning environment and the competencies students should acquire during their study are explored. The research was based on two different questionnaire-based surveys conducted among Faculty of Administration students. In the research 41 2nd year students of the university study programme were involved. We found that the problem-solving competency is highly correlated with the adequacy of e-learning. Our findings also suggest a high correlation between the computer skills competency and the usefulness of e-learning. The results could serve as a guide for the faculty management when further investigating how to enhance the students’ competencies while employing modern solutions in the teaching process.


blended learning student survey competencies higher education public administration program

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How to Cite
Keržič, D., Aristovnik, A., Tomaževič, N., & Umek, L. (2019). Evaluating the impact of e-learning on students` perception of acquired competencies in a university blended learning environment. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 14(3).