Vol 8 (2020): Learning, Competencies and Human Resources
EMEMITALIA2019 Peer Reviewed Papers

Reflections on the experience of distance learning in the health professions

Marina Rui
University of Genova
Published February 20, 2020
  • e-learning,
  • Multimedia,
  • University Courses,
  • Health Professions
How to Cite
Siri, A., & Rui, M. (2020). Reflections on the experience of distance learning in the health professions. Reports on E-Learning, Media and Education Meetings, 8(1), 195-200. Retrieved from http://www.je-lks.org/ojs/index.php/R-EMEM/article/view/1135114


This contribution aims to reflect on the many years of experience in online teaching within the Degree Courses of Health Professions at the University of Genoa. The students (around 250) are spread over the whole Region located in the structures in which they carry out training activities; Obviously, the structure of distance learning has been applied only to theoretical modules with the provision of materials to support the study of the subject (video lectures, slides, in-depth material), exercises / self-assessment tests, in in-depth interventions. The study focuses on two courses: Sociology and Anthropology


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