Vol 8 (2020): Learning, Competencies and Human Resources
EMEMITALIA2019 Peer Reviewed Papers

Practices, training and skills needs of digital teachers. A comparative research

Emanuela Proietti
Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Published January 13, 2020
  • digital innovation,
  • ICT,
  • learning and teaching process,
  • educational agencies,
  • digital skills
How to Cite
Proietti, E., De Angelis , M. C., & Capogna, S. (2020). Practices, training and skills needs of digital teachers. A comparative research. Reports on E-Learning, Media and Education Meetings, 8(1), 117-122. Retrieved from http://www.je-lks.org/ojs/index.php/R-EMEM/article/view/1135142


The European Commission (2013) recalls the educational agencies to a great challenge: developing appropriate digital skills in learning-teaching practices through lifelong wide learning policies, aimed at recovering the digital gap in comparison with the international players, which hold the leadership in this sector. With the reviewed European framework Key competences for lifelong learning (2018), the European institutions underline the need to develop attitude and skills throughout life, so that citizens can have a personal development and an active participation in society, but, above all, to face demands of an ever-changing world of work. The essay intend to review both social and organization innovation and pedagogical-methodological approaches.The essay is part of a wider qualitative and quantitative research realized by Universities and VET providers participated in research, coming from Italy, England, Finland, Romania and Spain. It focuses on the most important results gathered by an exploratory comparative survey, concerning practices, training and skills needs of teachers.


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