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The purpose of this study was to assess fifth-grade students’ learning of abstract mathematical concepts in a blended learning environment enhanced with a web-based virtual laboratory. The “PhET” simulations site was taken as a web-based tool since it introduces a research-based mathematics interactive simulation. The study aimed to identify the extent of differences in academic progress between the experimental group taught about “Fractions” through a flexible blended learning pedagogical model, and the control group taught the same concepts through the conventional method. Thirty students were targeted and randomly selected from a private school in Muscat. To answer the research questions, both the control and experimental groups were pre-post tested on learning the targeted abstract mathematical concepts. The results showed that there is a clear positive effect on raising the level of achievement of students in abstract mathematical concepts in favor of the experimental group. Also, the experimental group were interviewed to gain more understanding about their perceptions regarding the method used in learning abstract mathematical concepts. Students were found to highly favor using the simulation website.
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