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The MOBIlearn project, the most important funded by the European
Commission in the field of mobile technologies research, explores new
ways to use mobile environments to meet the needs of learners, working
by themselves and with others and using state-of-the-art mobile devices. A
new m-learning architecture will support creation, brokerage, delivery and
tracking of learning and information contents, using ambient intelligence,
location-dependence, personalization, multimedia, instant messaging (text,
video) and distributed databases. Field trials cover «blended learning»
(as part of formal courses); «adventitious, location-dependent learning»
(during visits to museums); and «learning to interpret information sources
and advice» (acquiring medical information for everyday needs). The high
connectivity and functionality may lead to new group behaviours, akin
to the SMS phenomenon. The economic benefits of this project will be
substantial at European level, and will be realised quickly because of the
involvement of key actors. These include public bodies, mobile operators,
software and learning technologies production companies, mobile devices
manufacturers, publishers and content providers, and participants in
standards initiatives.

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How to Cite
Bo, G. (2012). MOBIlearn: tecnologie mobili e nuovi modelli pedagogici per il futuro dell’e-learning. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 1(3).