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With smartphones and tablets becoming part of our lives, videos grabbing the learners’ attention, and the resultant increased screen time, the idea was to test video creation as a learning tool for pre-service teachers. Creating videos related to current social, environmental, or economic issues requires in-depth research of the issue being investigated, interview of people connected directly with the subject, visiting required locations and having the first-hand experience or visiting a familiar place with a lens, and then synthesising the content into a meaningful short video. The action research study having four phases – reflection, planning, implementation, and feedback- shows that video creation engages the learners’ head, heart, and hand, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative and communication skills necessary to tackle 21st-century challenges. The study was conducted on thirty pre-service teachers enrolled in two colleges offering B.Ed. Programme under the University of Delhi and resulted in the creation of four videos. The study also highlights how video creation contributes to quality education for 21st-century learners based on the Four Pillars of Education outlined in the Delors Report: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together.
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