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Artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving quickly, and its applications are attracting attention on a global scale. They have the potential to revolutionize many dimensions of human life, including education. AI has reformed various teaching methodologies, assessment methods and by enhancing their competitiveness and adaptability. In the current era, after the pandemic most preferably the AI and Education have interwoven and is continued to grab the attention of Academicians, Tutors, Instructors, the government, and students so that the research keeps AI and education intermingled for the benefit of society at large. The goal of our work is to present a visualization in form of the research trends and bibliometric analysis of research on the implementation of AI in HE during the 20 years. The study involves various parameters to include and exclude the research articles, we assessed 314 publications written by scientists in 67 different countries over the course of the last 20 years and included in the Scopus database. The study used word analysis and a variety of bibliometric markers to look at emerging patterns. In order to visualize the prominent research trends by locating keywords utilized inside AI in HE, VOSviewer was used...


Artificial Intelligence Higher Education VoSviewer Bibliometric analysis

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How to Cite
Shamkuwar, M., Jindal, P., More , R., Patil, P., & Mahamuni, P. (2023). Artificial intelligence and higher education: a systematic visualizations based review. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 19(3), 36-42.


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