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Anyone anywhere in the world can participate in Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and gain knowledge and experience. As we all have a major role to play in making the world a better place, Massive Open Online Courses must be made available to as many people as possible. Students have access to a wide range of educational opportunities through the use of MOOCs, which can assist them in their pursuit of lifelong learning. MOOCs, are available to everyone interested in learning at no or minimum cost. The content presented in MOOCs is intended to be understandable by a diverse group of students. The course is typically completed at the students’ speed, and there are no requirements for on-campus registration. They are viewable from any device so long as it has a constant internet connection. The researcher in the present study conducted an interview research on the M.Ed.(Master of Education) students who were enrolled in a MOOC developed by the researcher on the subject of Research Methodology. In India M.Ed. students are post graduate students in Education who enrol in this M.Ed. programme after graduation in Education i.e., B.Ed. After the MOOC got over, those enrolled in that MOOC were interviewed. The collected data was analysed using thematic analysis. The study revealed favourable attitude towards digital education among M.Ed. students. Moreover, ...
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