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A new generation of higher education institutions need spaces designed to support interaction, collaboration, flexibility, social engagement, and the use of technology to make the youth competent for Industry 4.0. The learning spaces of Education 4.0 in Architecture colleges are unexplored; whether they also need the same type of spaces as other higher education institutes for 21st century pedagogy, is yet to be determined. The aim of this research is to find out the change required in formal and informal learning spaces in architecture colleges with the new trend of learning and skills required in Architecture Education. The research methodology adopted here is the case study research approach, together with the tools of survey and interview. A comparative analysis of the learning spaces in four architectural institutions in north India is done on the basis of flexibility, integration of technology and interactive social spaces. A further survey of 150 students and 75 teachers, were conducted to understand the preference of types of learning spaces of the users. The conclusion specifies that there is an equal need for both formal and informal learning spaces to enhance the learning of the students, and changes are required in the formal and informal learning spaces to incorporate these three factors of flexibility, integration of technology, and interactive social spaces for empowering youth with skills for fourth Industrial Revolution. This research will assist architects in creating a better learning environment for the Education 4.0 and future architects.
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