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The Fourth Industrial Revolution which is characterized by rapid breakthroughs in digital technology, automation, and artificial intelligence, is revolutionizing both the classroom and workplace learning settings. This change in the classroom and workplace setting is characterized by changing skill requirements, accelerating knowledge obsolescence, need for personalized and adaptive learning experiences, a culture of continuous learning, and on-demand performance support. The educational landscape is changing with the intervention of technology into our lives and new and innovative ways of learning are emerging. The key stakeholders in the education system are teachers and their professional development has utmost significance in helping education pick pace with societal changes. The various strategies of microlearning are useful for teachers to enhance their skills and mitigate the impact fourth industrial revolution is having in terms of quicker knowledge obsolescence and new job creation. Microlearning can provide considerable benefits in the Indian classroom context since traditional educational systems struggle to keep up with these changes. According to a Deloitte University Press research report, microlearning can improve learning retention rates because it provides learners with bite-sized, focused content that is easier to digest and retain than lengthy classroom lectures or training sessions. The interactive and self-directed learning approaches, such as microlearning, can lead to higher learning outcomes compared to traditional classroom teaching (Sitzmann, 2011). The paper provides a look into effective microlearning strategies that can help in dealing with the problems of the traditional classrooms in the current digital society.
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