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The initiation of Industrial revolution 4.0 has brought the intervention of technology in every field of life. Education is one such field of life where Industrial revolution 4.0 will bring artificial intelligence into forefront. In such a situation the teachers will have sole responsibility to nurture the higher order thinking skills like critical thinking, creative thinking, analytical thinking, problem solving, decision making and effective communication in the learners. In order to develop such higher order thinking skills in the learners, it is imperative that the teachers themselves are groomed to use those skills. This grooming is necessary in the novice teachers who are getting trained to teach in the schools. This study was conducted by the researchers to inculcate higher order thinking skills like critical thinking and analytical thinking skills through the use of open book environment in the classroom for the pre-service teachers. The study was conducted for 6 months on 16 pre-service teachers who opted to learn pedagogy of social studies in the academic year 2021-22. The findings of the study show that most of the pre-service teachers liked to study in the open book environment. The pre-service teachers also expressed that they improved their critical thinking and analytical thinking skills by learning in open book environment and appearing for open book examination. Thus, it can said that open book environment tool has much potential to develop higher order thinking skills in the pre-service teachers and such teachers would definitely become torch bearers to develop thinking skills in...
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