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This study sought to find factors that Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students and educators in a developing country consider important when accepting mobile learning. The study developed a new model by extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) using the construct perceived resources. Using stratified random sampling, a total of 160 STEM students and 100 educators were selected to participate in this study. The study employed a quantitative design where partial least squares structural equation modeling was used to examine STEM students' and educators' behavioural intention to use mobile learning. The developed model explained 74.1% of the variance in STEM students' and educators' behavioural intention to use mobile learning. Perceived resources, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness variables explained 54.8% of the variance in attitudes of STEM students' and educators' behavioural intention to use mobile learning. Attitude was the strongest indicator of STEM students' and educators' behavioural intention to use m-learning. The results indicated that both educators and students have a positive attitude towards mobile learning, given how important online learning is becoming nowadays. Additionally, there is no statistically significant difference between educators’ and students’ attitudes towards mobile learning. The implication is that developers of mobile learning systems should make their platforms easy to use and have more resources available for both teachers and learners to increase the overall acceptance of mobile learning in STEM subjects.
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