
Fortunato Sorrentino
Read Statistic: 261

Document Review Meets Social Software and the Learning Sciences

David Lebow
Read Statistic: 296

Campus We-Com. University students attitude towards didactical innovation

Maria Cinque, Claudio Pensieri
Read Statistic: 361

Learning Environment With Elements Of Artificial Intelligence

Pier Giuseppe Rossi
Read Statistic: 1002

Training As Exchange And Negotiation Of Knowledge: An Online And In Presence

Paola Nicolini, Tamara Lapucci
Read Statistic: 285

Use of Ontologies to Annotate and Retrieve Educational Contents: the AquaRing Approach

Stefano Bianchi, Christian Mastrodonato, Gianni Vercelli, Giuliano Vivanet
Read Statistic: 378

Kremm: an E-learning System for Mathematical Models Applied to Economics and Finance

S Corsaro, P L De Angelis, M Guarracino, Z Marino, V Monetti, F Perla, P Zanetti
Read Statistic: 277